I worked with Adrian Moore and the team at Parker Dann for a period of over 15 years, during which time they successfully obtained a series of planning permissions to extend what started off as a small industrial site with less than 100 cars to one of the UK’s largest offairport car parks with almost 5,000 cars and the first double decked structure for block parking. Given the negative central government guidance on airport parking and the local planners resistance to any additional airport parking consents, this was no mean achievement.
Their success was down to a combination of diligence in keeping up with central and local planning representations, the building of great relationships with the local planning officers and a determination to win. At all times I found the team to be professional, diligent and, dare I say it, good value for money!
I also worked with Adrian Moore in my capacity as Chairman of the Gatwick Parking Association, for which he acted as Secretary and was responsible for all its submissions to central and local government. Following that, I became Chairman of IAPRA, the Independent Airport Park & Ride Association, which again Parker Dann was able to usefully assist.
I have and would continue to recommend Parker Dann.