Project Description
The Northfield development is a major 6 hectare extension to the University of Sussex’s campus at Falmer, near Brighton. The project has delivered over 1100 new bed spaces of student accommodation arranged within 21 separate residence blocks together with extensive supporting infrastructure.
This greenfield site is in a sensitive location that adjoins the South Downs National Park, falls within the Stanmer Park registered Historic Park and Garden and abuts a designated Site of Nature Conservation Importance.
Parker Dann has secured a number of key planning permissions for the project including full planning permission for various new residences and supporting developments over a phased programme, the delivery of approval of ‘reserved matters’ under an original outline planning permission and the discharge of a multitude of conditions attached to the various consents. This has required extensive pre and post application discussions with Senior Planning Officers from Brighton and Hove city Council and the preparation of the required Environmental Impact Assessments, Planning Statements and Heritage Statements. Parker Dann has also co-ordinated the input of a large team of consultants to deliver supporting documents to support the submissions to ensure delivery to the demanding development programme.