Nolands Farm, Plumpton Green
The site is sustainably located in Plumpton Green not far from the mainline railway station and we saw the potential for it to contribute towards the unmet housing needs in Lewes District.

When we began working on Nolands Farm development site in early 2021; there had been a previous planning refusal for 45 dwellings. The site lies outside the planning boundary as defined in the Lewes Local Plan and was assessed as unsuitable in the Council’s land assessment. The site, however is sustainably located in Plumpton Green not far from the mainline railway station and we saw the potential for it to contribute towards the unmet housing needs in Lewes District.
Following pre-application, we submitted an outline planning application for 89 dwellings, reduced to 86 through live application negotiations. Despite a housing land supply of just 2.9 years and no technical consultee objections, the Planning Committee was not prepared to permit such a development outside the planning boundary. The applicant appealed the decision and retained the services of Parker Dann to make the case for, and represent them at, a Public Inquiry. Outline planning permission was granted on appeal for 86 dwellings on land at Nolands Farm Plumpton Green in December 2022. In the Appeal Decision, the Inspector advised “it is also important to have regard to other material considerations such as national policy approaches to housing supply which may indicate that decisions should be made contrary to the development plan.” The Inspector concluded: “The negative effects of the development and the conflict with the development plan are outweighed by other considerations sufficient to indicate that planning permission should be granted in this instance.” After such an enduring planning process, a great result for our client, who also achieved a partial award of costs.
Images courtesy of Paul Hewett R.I.B.A

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Parker Dann,
Unit 42,
Sussex Innovation Centre,
Science Park Square,
East Sussex,
Phone: 01273 478 654