Project Description
New three storey welcome building, refurbishment of listed theatre buildings and enhancements to tennis facilities and public realm
Parker Dann was instructed by Eastbourne Borough Council to assist with its proposals for significant development at Devonshire Park. The site is prominent within the town and accommodates two listed theatres, the listed Winter Gardens and the site of the annual international tennis tournament. The aim of the proposals was to preserve the future of the tennis tournament, enhance the facilities and public realm within the site and secure the refurbishment and enhancement of the listed theatres and the Winter Gardens. This included the demolition of non-listed buildings and the construction of a new build ‘welcome building’ and adjoining pedestrian plaza alongside the listed buildings.
Following appointment, Parker Dann assisted with the preparation of the required applications for planning permission and listed building consent which required the appointment and co-ordination of the consultant team to prepare the necessary supporting documents for the submissions and advice to the Council on matters that needed to be addressed as part of the proposals. Key issues dealt with within the submissions included impact on the listed buildings, their settings and two adjoining conservation areas, impact on trees, traffic generation and access.
The instruction followed a tight timetable for securing the necessary planning permission and listed building consent and this was achieved without any delays. Parker Dann was subsequently retained to co-ordinate the submission of applications to address conditions attached to the grant of planning permission and listed building consent, amendments to the consents and a separate planning application for the demolition of an existing fitness centre on the site and construction of a new two storey building (The Players Village) to enhance the facilities for tennis players attending tennis tournaments on the site.